Thursday, July 20, 2006


Well now, seeing as how this is the first post of my new blog (dedicated almost solely to the trials and triumphs of writing) I suppose there should be some sort of background information about me in here.

Let me see... I am:

Writing fantasy novels with the intent to get published *Cross fingers*
Finished 2 novels and working on number 3 and 4.
Recently married and madly in love.
An addicted World of Warcraft and Dungeons and Dragons player.
An avid reader.

That being said, I am also a terrible insomniac. Sleep evades the creative types, or so I am told. It's alright for the most part though because most of inspiration comes late at night as I listen to the sounds of the hubby snoring into the wee hours of the morning.

So fantasy is my life. I think half the time I would rather live in the world of the characters that I create from moment to moment.

My first real attempt at getting published is with the novel Marked by Fire. Here's an excerpt from my synopsis letter to whet your appetites:

A dragon prince, trapped within a traitorous family, seeks to free his clan from their exile and claim the one woman his savage heart longs for. The path to freedom and love is barred by many obstacles: tradition, pride and his lover’s own dark legacy. Marked by Fire is a tale of forbidden love in an unlikely place. The fiery backdrop of Hell in all its infamous glory places the lovers on a cataclysmic road beset with war, betrayal and demons of the past and present.

I am hoping to exchange this novel for further critiquing online at Forward Motion (Which is an amazing resource. If you write at all, you should be there). At any rate, as edits roll in for Marked by Fire I will be sure to talk more about it in the future. The two Works in progress (WIPS) are:

The Guardian Wars: Return to Paradise
A story which I have not yet named about a knight destined to stop the four dragonriders of the Apocalypse

More to come on those in the future. And without further rambling (DISCLAIMER: Worst rambler ever) that is all for now. More to come :)

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